From what I've already achieved with my previous challenges, I took the plunge of taking on a bigger one with a promotional video for the Norwegian cyber-security company: Cyber Consult
Brief from client:
Scene 1;
Show the world map and zoom in on Norway.
Text: Norway is in the top 10 most targeted countries for cyber-attacks.
Many Pins drops hitting the map of Norway
Scene 2;
Zooming in on the top of IceBerg showing major attacks in the news in Norway. (Picture provided in email)
Text: As we know, some major companies have been attacked in Norway recently.
Then it zooms out, showing the whole Iceberg.
1st shown text: These are just the known cases. Most attacks happen to SMB’s as they are much more vulnerable.
Following text: Many of these companies aren’t aware they have been breached.
Scene 3;
Show the scale of 5 years previously growth in cyberattacks. And then pinpoint the massive growth which will occur for the next 5 years to come. So show that the graph will be massive after 2019. To create the feeling of urgency for the audience.
Scene 4;
Big Question mark, asking why is that the case?
Scene 5;
Initial text on page: Just three simple reasons may be
· Outdated security measures
· Lack of knowledge
· False sense of security
Hackers/attackers know for a fact that the SMBs lack extensive security measures. Which increases the hit rate.
Place funny animation to each point in the bullet listing
Scene 6;
Emoji hand waving
Upper page Text: Have any questions about your security status?
We would love to have a chat with you.
Following the previous text underneath: Cyber concern? CyberConsult.
The end.
Brand Guidelines:
Idea Generation:
Firstly I started blocking out how the scenes would look from basic stills, then later on settle on a style that would shape the rest of the animation.
It was difficult to decide whether to have a low-poly style iceberg or a detailed one. Ultimately, I went with
Concept Development and Feedback:
Scene 1:
Draft Versions:
Version 4:
Version 5:
Version 6:
Version 7:
Version 8:
Version 9:
Version 10:
Version 11:
Version 12:
Version 13:
Version 14:
Version 15:
Version 16:
Version 17:
Client Changes:
Version 18:
Version 19:
Version 20:
Version 20+ (Client Revisions/Amendments):
Client Version:
I've thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience that came with this project. From client changes to the constant question of "How can I add value to the client?"